Saturday, August 21, 2010

Home is where the heart is.

So I know I haven't posted a blog post in forever (sorry), but I'm back now! I'm new to this whole blogging thing and I've realized that you've really got to get into a routine. So without further ado...

Today's post is about student housing (cue horror music). I'm going into my second year of University and have made the decision to live off campus. First year I did the whole residence thang, which was great because I met most, if not all, of my closest University friends through my residence. But this coming year, myself and 5, yes 5, of my girlfriends have decided to rent a student house together. If that's not scary, I don't know what is! I could go into horror stories about some of the houses we looked at, and even the house we settled on, but my main focus for today is about my actual bedroom.

I'm a sucker for interior decorating. I absolutely adore it!! And I'm especially proud of the transition my bedroom has made over the time I've been in possession of it, and so I thought I'd share. :)

This is the room after the old tenants had moved out. Tres boring. I was in the process of getting ready to paint this sucker!:

And now here is the (partly) finished project. I still have some minor things to touch up, but for the most part this it what it'll look like!

My closet and dresser are in the area at the foot of my bed!

Since it's a basement room, I wanted a colour that was light a fun. My inspiration for this room is Audrey Hepburn (who else?, lol) so I decided to paint the room the colour of a Tiffany box (Breakfast at Tiffany's anyone ;), and then added some fun details like the zebra print sheets. I hope you like it!

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